When it comes to hiking in the rain, poor weather conditions will put most people off, but there are so many benefits to rainy day hikes! The route will be far less busy, meaning you have more space to enjoy your journey and there’s less chance of facing a bottleneck on the summit! Also, change in weather can make everything look different, including how it sets the sky off, so you view nature through a whole new lens.
We’ve put together some tips from our experience, if you do decide to go for a rainy hiking trip!
1. Check The Weather Forecast
You must check the weather forecast before you embark on your trip. Not just a week or so ahead of the event, but right up to the day of the actual journey, as forecasts can change quite quickly as more information reaches the forecasters. It’s important to always remember that the weather can change dramatically from the bottom up to the summit especially if climbing a mountain, so be prepared to face all the elements!
2. Research The Route
Make sure to do plenty of research before you begin regarding your route, especially if you are a hiking beginner or not very experienced with navigating your way on a trail. Do this even if it’s a route you’ve taken many times before, as rainy weather changes the look of your surroundings and can make it considerably harder to navigate.
3. Wear Waterproof Clothing
Be prepared by wearing waterproof clothing, there’s nothing worse than hiking in damp clothes. It’s also important to layer up, this will not only help to keep the warmth in and circulate better, but also prevent the damp from getting through to your body.
Invest in a good pair of waterproof trousers (some claim to be fully waterproof when they actually aren’t, so read reviews before you purchase) and a waterproof jacket or coat are also necessary. How thick you want to go with the coat depends on how cold it is, but remember you don’t want to weigh yourself down too much – aim for lightweight, breathable and durable.
4. Keep Your Feet Dry
You will be treading in all sorts of wet areas so do make sure you have some good, waterproof footwear. Some footwear is only waterproofed to a small amount, other shoes can take a lot more rain. A good pair of waterproof boots would help keep your feet warm, be comfortable as you hike, help you get across the terrain and of course keep the water from your feet.
5. Change of Clothes
If you are facing a downpour you need to dry off at as soon as you can and if you don’t have a dry change of clothes handy this will not be possible. It is so important to get out of those wet clothes so you can help your body warm up, if you get cold your immune system lowers and you leave yourself open to increased chances of catching a virus or bug such as cold or flu.
6. Waterproof Your Backpack
Do yourself a big favour and purchase a waterproof backpack, don’t get any of your essentials ruined because of the rain! If you don’t want to pay out for a new bag, you can also purchase a waterproof cover to place over a backpack, that will be just as good.
So there we have it, 6 tips for hiking in the rain. If you have planned a hike in the midst of a downpour, hopefully the tips featured here will provide some useful points that you perhaps may not have considered.