In the world of nutrition and performance enhancing supplements, there are so many to chose, it can be difficult to know what products are actually worth buying and if they’re even the right ones to reach your goals.
We’ve spent some time researching for a personalised supplement and came across a DNA Nutrition product called NGX (Nutri-Genetix), which is a genetically personalised nutrition shake, tailored using your own DNA to achieve improved performance.
The NGX product is the first of its kind in the world, so we decided to work with the brand to review the DNA testing kit and nutrition bundle and write about our experience.
DNA Testing Kit:
In the DNA nutrition kit you will find a RapidDri Pouch, barcode label (for tracking) and a prepaid envelope to send your test off. You also get a NGX t-shirt, shaker and flavour boost free.
The testing kit is really straight forward and super easy to use, you simply use a mouth swab on the inside of your cheek and send it off to the team at NGX in the prepaid envelope. Once they receive your test swab, they are then able to use your genetic make-up to build a personalised shake with a tailored blend.

How does the DNA Nutrition test kit work?
The way the test works is they access your DNA and test for 28 traits to analyse your metabolism and how you process nutrients. The test will also identify any sensitivities that you might have for certain foods, aswel as looking at the detoxification process of your body.
You’re then given a detailed report of your results and how this may affect you, for example if you have a slightly reduced ability to metabolise folate, this can have an impact on your energy levels and muscle performance.

My NGX DNA Nutrition results:
I sent my test kit off to the team at NGX and received my results back within 3 weeks. One of things I was hoping to find out is if I have any food intolerances as most diary products don’t agree with me. My results come back showing a ‘likely intolerant’ to lactose meaning that it is not advisable to consume products containing sources of lactose, such as milk, kefir, certain cheeses and yogurt, and by doing so it can significantly affect wellbeing and the ability to digest and absorb other nutrients.

The second thing I was keen to find out is how my body processes and absorbs certain vitamins, as someone who trains a lot I’ve always taken different supplements for the benefits they offer for recovery and performance, but I wanted a clearer view of what my body actually needs and in what quantity should I take certain vitamins such as B12.

You can see from my results above a breakdown by nutrient and my ability to absorb them, from Retinol (Vitamin A) being ‘very high debilitation’ to Folate (Vitamin B9) being ‘normal / optimal.’ So from these results I now know that I need to increase my intake of Vitamins A, B12, E and Calcium.
As part of the bundle you receive a personalised BodyFuel shake which contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals that the NGX DNA test results showed that I needed. You also get a full breakdown of the amounts you need to take, and what I really liked is the example sources to get your needs from foods. So for me, as I am so deficient in Vitamin A I can increase my consumption of carrots and oranges.

Click here to view my full personalised DNA nutrition results.
Would we recommend NGX?
If you’re serious about reaching your fitness goals and looking to increase your performance, or having stomach problems when consuming certain foods, then yes we’d highly recommend the personalised nutrition shake from NGX. This product is great for ensuring your body is being fuelled optimally, which will enable you to build lean muscle or lose fat without deficiency holding you back.