Dumbbell exercises are great as it works your body in unison. If one side is weaker than the other, you’ll definitely notice it and can then work to build strength on that side. They’re safe and perfect for those at-home workouts, plus they’re inexpensive and a great addition at any level – beginner or advanced.
PMAC Fitness (Peter Maciver), shares the 5 best dumbell exercises you can perform at home and how to do them with correct form. Peter is an experienced personal trainer, and respected fitness influencer and has extensive experience in nutrition, boxing, spinning, body conditioning and yoga, which he himself has practiced on a personal level for the last 10 years. His all-round approach to fitness means that a workout is never boring and techniques & skills that are developed in one form of exercise can benefit his clients & himself in another

Dumbbell overhead press is great for working your shoulders. It hits the front and side deltoids, giving you that big broad shoulder look. Either standing or sitting, hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders. Raise the weights above your head whilst exhaling and return to position whilst inhaling.

Dumbbell floor chest flies really target your chest area so be mindful of the weight you use. Lying on the floor, hold a dumbbell in each hand over your chest. Keep your elbows slightly bent and lower the dumbbells out to the sides until you feel a deep stretch. Pause and reverse the movement.

Dumbbell overhead tricep extension targets all three heads of your triceps so you’ll really feel that burn. Using either a pair of dumbbells or one, raise the weight over your head until your arms are stretched out straight. Lower behind your back, feeling the stretch and then bring back to position.

Dumbbell single leg deadlifts target your glutes and hamstrings. Using one leg means your stability and balance is challenged, working your muscles even more. Hold a dumbbell in one hand by your hips. Drive your left foot back and hinge at the waist lowering the weight to the floor. Pull your left leg in and repeat.

Dumbbell sumo squats are great for working your quads and building lower-body strength. Sumo squats target your inner thighs and glutes more than regular ones. Hold dumbbells in a wide-leg stance position. Keep chest upright and back straight, lower your body by bending at the hips. Push up from your heels to extend back up.