So you have all your gear loaded for a day of hiking and everything looks set for a great day in the mountains, but one question a lot of us never think of is if our bodies are loaded with whats nutritionally needed to hike now and for many years to come healthily? What are the key Supplements for Hikers?
Compare your body for a second to a race car, would you like to hit the track in a poorly maintained motor? Or would you want something that has been cared for providing the most enjoyable experience possible?
You see the human body is pretty similar, what we put into our bodies can massively determine our performance output.
Health supplements are often a controversial topic, on one hand there are health and nutritional experts claiming there’s a pill to pop or a powder to drink for every little issue our body throws at us, on the other hand skeptics will claim they are a huge waste of money and can even be harmful.
In my opinion the truth is somewhere in between, yes you can’t beat real food for nutrition, but realistically in the world of hiking we struggle to meet a lot of of daily key requirements.
So below I’ve listed some of my essential Supplements for Hikers that really have made a difference on my days in the hills, some for performance during a walk, some for recovery and some I look at as nutritional insurance helping my body function in a way that will ensure many years of happy hiking ahead!!
1. Electrolytes

When hiking we tend to sweat a lot during a day in the hills, this can lead to an electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes are important minerals that help to balance the amount of water in our bodies.
The main electrolytes in your body are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and they play important roles in bodily functions that involve your heart, nerves and muscles.
When electrolyte levels dip you may feel fatigued and your performance in the mountains can suffer. The best way to supplement for electrolyte needs is to buy it in powdered form ready to add to your water for the day ahead.
2. Fish Oils

Hitting the hills a lot causes repeated stress on our muscles and joints, this can lead to pain and inflammation which we often try and treat with anti inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. This just isn’t a long term solution and prevention in the first place is a much better form of protection.
Fish oils contain omega 3 fatty acids a powerful natural anti inflammatory that reduces substances within the body linked to inflammation. Fish oils are often supplemented in simple once a day soft gel pills.
3. Protein powder

Protein powders aren’t often associated with hikers and in general are aimed towards the bodybuilding world, however supplementing with protein in powder form has some great advantages for hikers.
Protein is essential for muscle recovery after a demanding day in the mountains and truth is hardly anyone meets the required amount required after such high muscle output on the hills.
Drinking a quick and simple serving of whey protein powder before, during or after a day out climbing can easily provide us with the essential amino acids required for muscle growth and repair and whey in general provides the best profile of these amino acids. Simply adding a few shakes between meals and snacks can be of great benefit.