We caught up with Catherine, @yorkshire_blonde_adventures, to hear all about her journey exploring the outdoors, how she keeps motivated and prepares for her adventures.
Tell us a little about yourself…
I’m Catherine and I’m based in Leeds! Usually found in the Lake district and occasionally the Peaks! I’ve got a recent hiking buddy called Monty.
Where did your love of the outdoors come from?
My love for the outdoors started in the Peak District. My sister and brother in law invited me up Kinder Scout and half way up I thought “this is so tough, I can’t do this, I’ll meet them back at the car,” and persevered and the views from the top were incredible and I can’t explain the feeling I had but I just felt so free. I’ve always struggled with anxiety and depression and it felt like nothing else mattered when I was at the summit. I felt so tiny in comparison to the landscape and if I felt that small, how small did that make my problems and what I was worrying about!? I soon got addicted and can’t keep away from the mountains now!
If you could only ever do one walk / hike again what would it be and why?
Oooft, this is a tough one! I love the lake district, my first wainwright was Helvellyn (talk about easing yourself in…) so this holds a special place in my heart and the views are incredible on a clear day! I love the scramble over Striding Edge and down Swirral edge and I feel like it I built up a lot of self-confidence / belief from putting myself out of my comfort zone on this hike.

What is your favourite mountain you’ve ever done?
My favourite mountain… hmmmm! I did a solo yolo hike up the old man of Coniston and I could see Dow Crag from the summit of the old man, I didn’t know what the fell was but I knew I wanted to climb it so I extended my route and did a circular and ended up there and I loved it. It was such a beautiful crisp day in November and I remember not wanting the hike to end. I felt so content and at peace with everything. I also did a hike up Skiddaw just after lockdown had been lifted, it was the first time I’ve actually had views up there and it was such a beautiful day and I expected the route to be quiet but I think I saw one other person. I sat at the summit for a while (eating jelly babies!) and just took in all the views, it was so peaceful!
What do you find most challenging about hiking?
Probably the initial inclines, I swear they never get easier! The steps up from Glenridding heading up Helvellyn, really do put the HELL in Helvellyn!!! I always feel like I’m flagging behind, but at the end of the day, what is the rush?! It’s nicer to ease yourself in and go at your own pace rather than push yourself too much.
How do you fuel your hikes?
Plenty of coffee, water and good company!
Favourite hiking Snacks?
Jelly babies are my fave, not a snack but I love taking mulled wine in a flask on winter hikes for the snowy summits – yum, a boozy hug in a mug!
What are some of your favourite outdoor activities outside of hiking?
Paddleboarding, wild camping, kayaking. I’m trying to get onboard with the cold water swimming but I’m such a wimp and it takes me forever to get in!

We’ve loved watching your stories out on the water, where is your fave place to SUP?
I seemed to spend most of my Summer on Ullswater or Derwentwater. I was on Ullswater on my inflatable lobster one day which was probably the funnest day I had that summer!
Sharing your adventures on Instagram can open you up to trolls, how do you handle negative people and what advice would you give for dealing with them?
Ahh I tend to ignore and block unless it’s really bad and I sometimes call them out on it so people know who to block, and it’s only right that they are called out on their behaviour, I had someone tell me to go kill myself last year which was shocking and it’s baffling that a complete stranger can have the audacity to send horrible messages etc, but it’s a reflection of them. You can’t please everyone and people will always have something to say regardless of what you do. I just don’t know how people can sleep at night knowing they’ve upset someone that they don’t know!
What first springs to mind when you hear the words bucket list?
Travelling abroad! Canada is on my bucket list, I was meant to go to Vancouver on a solo yolo a few years back but wimped out last minute… it’s still on my list, and I think I will go in the next few years, I’d love to tie in a skiing trip too!
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced since starting your outdoor journey?
Hmm maybe the weather, when you first get the hiking bug you want to be out all the time, but sometimes it’s just not worth it in the weather! Why can’t it just be nice all year round!?

What piece of kit could you absolutely not live without?
My battery pack because I’m constantly taking photos and my water bladder – makes it sooo much easier rather than faffing around with water bottles! Oh and also my GORETEX Rab jacket, it was pricey but I love it so much and it’s saved me so many times!
What’s in your hiking bag for a full day of adventure?
Plenty of snacks, first aid kit, layers, battery pack, nothing that exciting but all the essentials!
Advice for anyone looking to take on their first mountain?
Do it!!! Reach out to people on Instagram or join hiking groups on Facebook. The outdoor community is soo friendly and there will always be someone to help you or join you for a hike. It really is the best feeling ever so get your boots on and go go go!
Who are your heroes / sources of inspiration?
The people I’ve met along the way. Ned is a huge inspiration to me that he is so positive after everything he’s been through… he also makes a good adventure buddy (well… when I can understand his Geordie accent!)

What adventures do you have planned for 2022?
Taking Monty to the Lake district. He’s currently done 3 wainwrights and loved them (and the herdies) so I want to take him on as many adventures as possible – need to get him a life jacket to be a SUP pup and a little sleeping bag! I also want to get abroad at some point this year, whether it be for a beach holiday to relax or a city break!
Follow Catherine’s adventures… @yorkshire_blonde_adventures for more inspo and cute pics of Monty!